#guess who's rewatching arcane for the 1000th time and is about to make it your problem!!!!!!
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melmedarda ยท 9 months ago
arcane ep 1 dashboard simulator
๐ŸŒ‰ pilt-power Follow
did we all hear about the explosion in the kiramman building in midtown? somebody's getting fired and i hope its old cassie
๐Ÿ—๏ธ kirammankitty Follow
literally get off her case? yes it was an apprenta from her clan whos apartment was blown up but its not her fault. she is a mother and a fully functioning member of society you're just jealous you'll never be as rich and influential as she is
๐ŸŒ‰ pilt-power Follow
don't know how to tell you this but she's not gonna fuck you.
#some people wanna eat the rich and not in the cannibalistic way #anways fuck the kirammans
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๐Ÿš๏ธ zaun-and-zest Follow
deckard won't admit it but he got his ass handed to him by a girl. so much for his hardass exterior
๐ŸฅŠ fist-in-your-face Follow
are you saying girls can't fight?
๐ŸŒ worldstarzaun Follow
i saw thatttt bro, she let him have it. we were like let him get up, let him get up #deckardassbeating
๐Ÿš๏ธ zaun-and-zest Follow
no i'm implying he is weaker than a girl do not put words in my mouth i will enforce my foot up your ass
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๐Ÿƒ downthesump420 Follow
i swear to janna if that pleasure house yordle makes eyes at me again i'm jumping into the pilt and filing a restraining order
๐Ÿฉ babettes-saggy-tits Follow
why is it you. what do you have that i do not?
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๐Ÿ‘ค life-in-the-lanes-deactivated-3404985 Follow
those damn kids have got the fucking enforcers breaking down my door and for WHAT. this is why i don't want kids they are too much trouble. normalize celibacy
๐Ÿบ alkaholical Follow
you won't have that chance have kids bc nobody will sleep with you unless you pay them
๐Ÿ‘ค life-in-the-lanes-deactivated-3404985 Follow
my mother will know your name
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๐Ÿน deathtoheimer Follow
you aren't living in zaun if you don't have multiple organ failure!!!!
๐Ÿน deathtoheimer Follow
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๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿพ grayson-fanpage Follow
Grayson sighted in the Lanes, at Benzo's shop.
๐Ÿšจ graysonsulimatefanboy Follow
grayson pick me please pick me please pick me please pick me please pick me please pick me im on my knees pleace pick me plouse pick me come over i'm at 69 sidereal st
๐Ÿซ„graysoncocksleeve Follow
mommy longdick just landed back in the lanes!!!!!! welcome mommy longdick!!!!
๐Ÿš“ graysontheemilf Follow
now what is she doing in the ghetto? free my milf!!! grayson come home baby, the kids miss you!!
๐Ÿ”— graysons-left-asscheek Follow
humilating how you all are begging over an enforcer who enables piltover's unjust presence and occupation of zaun. disgusting!!! the gray has muddled your minds. that being said, i need grayson to dom me.
๐Ÿšซ defundthenenforcers Follow
using this post as a blocklist, all of you are sick fucks
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๐Ÿป thelastfop Follow
fuck that piltie marcus his stupid face makes me want to kill someone
๐Ÿ’ฆ dilfvander Follow
a fellow marcus hater on my dash??? legendary because i hate that sleeze bag too. i hope he stubs his toe every morning and gets an itch he can never scratch and falls into the pilt and is run through a ship propeller and his remains float out to bilgewater where he becomes fish food. dishonor on him and his family fr.
๐Ÿป thelastfop Follow
bro said
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